
How much does it cost for a surrogate mother Ahmedabad in India?

  How do experts at Indian surrogate mothers perform surrogacy in Ahmedabad? The experts at Indian surrogate mothers perform surrogacy in Ahmedabad in two ways: 1.  Surrogacy with self-eggs:   In this method, the experts at the surrogacy centre in Ahmedabad collect the eggs & sperm of biological parents & fertilize them in the IVF lab until an embryo develops. Once the embryo is ready, the embryologist implants the developed embryo/s into the surrogate mother's uterus. The surrogacy cost in Ahmedabad with self-eggs ranges from INR 12 lakhs to INR 13 lakhs. 2.  Surrogacy with donor eggs:  In this method, the experts at the surrogacy centre in Ahmedabad borrow the young, healthy, & fertile women's eggs & fertilize them with the biological father's sperm to facilitate fertilization. Once fertilization occurs, the embryologist places the formed embryo/s into the surrogate mother's uterus. The surrogacy cost in Ahmedabad with donor eggs ranges from INR 14 la